Solar PV System for Tablet & Phone Charging (Save The Children)

A Total of 7 (Seven) primary schools benefited from this project. Longamele Annex & Longamele main primary schools in Imvepi refugee settlement in Arua district. Para, Yoyo, and island primary schools in Bidibidi refugee settlement in Yumbe district and Belle & Bongilo primary schools in Palorinya refugee settlement in Moyo district in the northern region of Uganda.

A typical Solar PV system consisted of a 1,650W of Solar Module Array, a 1200AH Maintenance Free Battery bank, an 80A MPPT charge controller unit, a 1600VA Pure sine wave inverter Unit, and a well-ventilated lockable tablet Rack

The goal of the project is to enable the charging of educational tablet computers for children in these refugee settlements in addition to proving improved lighting in classrooms, phone charging, and computer usage for the school administration and staff members

This Project was funded by Save the Children International)